Seeds Started 20230524

Four small glass bowls with pea seeds in water in a window for germination tests.
After the germination tests I’d done prior, I am using the city water. Sadly, the fact that the water seems to help break down the seeds faster isn’t the greatest thing…but it is what it is.

kitchen windowsill
city water

  1. 9 peas, alderman (Territorial Seeds)
  2. 9 peas, little marvel (Heirloom Seeds)
  3. 9 snow peas, little purple–plasma treated (Territorial Seeds)
  4. 9 snow peas, little purple–non treated (Territorial Seeds)

Continue reading “Seeds Started 20230524”

Starting the ToDoList for 2023

Another year, another set of plans that may or may not go as planned.  A lot has happened since my last post.  I’m not going to get into all that today–in fact, I’m not even going to get into that a little bit today, honestly.  Instead, I want to look towards the future.  Even if my ToDoList (which remains awesome to behold) is still so…awe inspiring in its own scary but foolishly still somehow catering towards my oft present optimistic side that is stubborn and forever hopeful.  (Oh, Past Me….the things you have not done to help Present Me, let alone Future Me.) Continue reading “Starting the ToDoList for 2023”

My 2021 attempt at Monarch Guardianship has begun

I’ve seen very few Monarch butterflies so far this year, and each time I have it’s only been one at a time in the yard.  Today, I finally found some eggs.  Four eggs are now in their respective containers, and only time will tell how many more eggs I may find this year.

Four repurposed yogurt containers, each has one milkweed leaf with a Monarch egg per leaf.
I sure hope this year is more fruitful than last year.

Continue reading “My 2021 attempt at Monarch Guardianship has begun”