This page was last updated on 17 May, 2024.
It will continue to be updated as time allows, which will be slow going.
- ant
- aphid
- assassin bug
- bat
- large brown
- small brown
- bear
- black bear Ursus americanus
- bee
- bumblebee
- Golden Northern Bombus fervidus
- carpenter bee
- honeybee
- mason bee
- bumblebee
- beetle
- leaf beetle Calligrapha rowena
- Twice-stabbed lady beetle Chilocorus stigma
- bird
- blackbird
- redwing blackbird
- bluebird
- eastern bluebird Sialia sialis
- cardinal
- chickadee
- Black-capped chickadee [MA state bird]
- crow
- dove
- mourning dove
- goldfinch
- hawk
- red-tail hawk Buteo jamaicensis
- hummingbird
- ruby-throated hummingbird Archilochus colubris
- jay
- blue jay
- junco
- dark-eyed (slate-colored)
- nuthatch
- red-breasted nuthatch
- raven
- robin
- sparrow
- American tree sparrow Spizella arborea
- chipping sparrow Spizella passerina
- titmouse
- tufted titmouse Baeolophus bicolor
- warbler
- yellow-rumped warbler Setophaga coronata
- woodpecker
- pilated woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus
- wren
- blackbird
- butterfly
- monarch Danaus plexippus
- painted lady Vanessa cardui
- swallowtail
- eastern black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes
- eastern tiger swallowtail Papilio glaucus
- caterpillar (see: moth and butterfly)
- chipmunk
- coyote
- cricket
- damselfly
- dragonfly
- Common whitetail Plathemis lydia
- earwig
- firefly
- fox
- fly
- tachnid fly
- grasshopper
- groundhog
- hornet
- bald faced (just one, thankfully)
- katydid
- leaf hopper
- moth
- cabbage Mamestra brassicae
- eastern tent Malacosoma americanum
- spongy moth Lymantria dispar (formerly known as the gypsy)
- hummingbird clearwing Hemaris thysbe
- hummingbird snowberry Hemaris diffinis
- luna Actias luna
- milkweed tussock Euchaetes egle
- mouse
- shrew
- skunk
- striped skunk Mephitis mephitis nigra
- slug
- snail
- spider
- crab spider
- squirrel
- Eastern gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis
- true bug
- milkweed bug
- wasp
- solitary
- yellowjacket
General Notes: This WIP list does not include every critter I’ve seen since 2017, as I am not an expert at critter identification. I work on this list as time allows, and it does get reorganized as I try to find a best practices for how to structure this list. I’m relying mostly on web ID sites and a few books I have. If you see any errors, I would appreciate it if you would kindly contact me with a link or a publication name with specific info so I can be better informed.
I plan to add sub pages over time for each as I learn more about them. When that happens, their name will turn into a link to that page. The monarchs will be the first to get such a sub page. What I really hope for is to do a thumbnail gallery eventually, but that is much further down the road of possibility due to time constraints.