Just enough rain to feel it was ok to not do much outside. Left the cold frames closed due to slow to warm temperatures. Although earlier the day was cool, long after dark it was still in the upper 50s°F. Continue reading “Garden Growth–10th May, 2019”
Tag: starting from seed
Bouncing Back
I will write more soon about this, but I’m thrilled to say the transplant gone awry is recovering nicely and wanted to at least post this for now. Continue reading “Bouncing Back”
Garden Growth–15th April, 2019
Got caught in today’s spring shower, which was anything but light though it was warm (at first anyway)! My sweatshirt hanging on a chair by the dining room radiator still isn’t dry, but then again the heat has barely needed to come on today. Another 60°F day. Continue reading “Garden Growth–15th April, 2019”
Unfinished posts and finished plantings
The lack of consistent postings of late is not a sign that we’ve not been putting in at least some time each day towards our garden, it’s that I’ve not managed to eck out the time to finish a handful of posts about what’s been done in that time. Continue reading “Unfinished posts and finished plantings”
Note to Future Me #10
Windowsills can be cold even if they are sunny. Start something there too soon that doesn’t like colder temps, and it won’t grow. Continue reading “Note to Future Me #10”
Transfer seedlings: too dried out or too much handling?
In my head, I know it’s one thing to have what you need on hand and at least in an easy to grab place. It’s another thing to go a step further and do as much as you can within reason before starting something. Somehow, such foreknowledge slipped through the sieve of my brain and now I’m trying to salvage some transplants as a result.
Continue reading “Transfer seedlings: too dried out or too much handling?”
Speaking of the garden book I ordered…
It arrived today.

Fly By Notes, 28 March 2019
Time to write just about anything in a focused manner lately has been hard to come by, so here’s a sort of organized bullet list both for me and anyone that is curious about what I’ve been up to in the last few days.
Cilantro: “We don’t want to go on the compost. We feel fine!”
While doing dishes, I noticed a bit of green inside one of the mini mason jar greenhouses. Sure enough, at least one of the herbs was making it know that they were not, in fact, dead. Continue reading “Cilantro: “We don’t want to go on the compost. We feel fine!””