The office view I posted the other day now has twice the dandelions shown there.
Greenery is bursting out everywhere, some still smothering some plants I don’t want smothered.
The critter digging is worrisome. I have decided I’m definitely starting the seeds indoors for now. I’m trying to devise a potential quick fence for at least one bed in the near future just in case.

I have my lists, and a rough idea of order, but bits like I forget we didn’t actually dig out a lot of the dandys last year and only popped the heads off so they wouldn’t further seed are now concerning me even though I know we can do the same this year.
My baking bags are showing their reuse wear, and I need to think about getting a lidded bin instead.
Also have to get the rain spout for the front gutter within the week so I can get the rain chain up finally.
Regrade on the safety bed is coming along, so we should be getting the new rain barrel next week too.