Hullo, Future Me. It’s Past Me again and wow I really messed up with seeds overall. No, seriously–I really messed up! Continue reading “Note to Future Me #16”
Tag: seed
Fermented wheat grass is a thing.
And I have been wanting to write about it, but haven’t had the time. Continue reading “Fermented wheat grass is a thing.”
Heirloom Seeds arrived today…
I ordered late, hence their arrival time. They actually shipped faster than I expected since we stuck with the less expensive table shipping method. I’m a little concerned about how late we will be starting some of these seeds, given our short growing season here. Then again, our frost time did drag out this year, so many will be pretty close to right on time. Still, better a bit late then never at all!

Keeping focus
I had made non yard plans today because we were supposed to have rain. Yet it skipped us. Tomorrow, though, the forecast assures me, there will be rain! I have a backup yard plan if it doesn’t rain as much as they claim. Time will tell. Continue reading “Keeping focus”