We’ve had near to freezing nights more than I’ve been happy about in the last few weeks.
Continue reading “Definitely frosty.”Tag: frost
Freeze warning for tonight…
Not a surprise, but the good news is the rest of the forecast above, plus the text only forecast that’s lower on the site’s page I didn’t clip here shows the few nights after what’s in the image until next Wednesday in the mid 40s. So maybe tonight will be the last frosty one this season. Time will tell. Continue reading “Freeze warning for tonight…”
The year is already getting away from me.
Just came in from dumping scraps in the compost. Everything is frosty, and wow the ground under my wellie booted feet was hard as rocks when I did a quick walk around. I just checked as I was writing this, and the temperature had just risen to 32°F. Continue reading “The year is already getting away from me.”
Frantic defenses against frost…
We knew the expected frost date was bearing down on us, but some things just aren’t done growing yet that we want to harvest. As I write this, it’s 43°F, and it’s expected to drop down to 36° in the wee hours before dawn. Continue reading “Frantic defenses against frost…”
Frosty corn
I noticed yesterday that the older corn stalk was looking a bit worse for (weather) wear. We meant to do our rounds yesterday, but other busy-ness got in the way and I realized after it was too dark that we didn’t do our walkabout which is when I planned to check what corn is still on the stalk. Continue reading “Frosty corn”
Hoo boys–first frost possibly earlier?
My partner is home and among other topics we discussed, one was first frost date for this year. My printed copy of 2018 Farmer’s Almanac had Worcester as the closest city listed, and that was said to be happening on October 19th which I just recently added to our planting page. (Which I will note the change on after I post this.) Continue reading “Hoo boys–first frost possibly earlier?”