I fell in love with this book when I first borrowed it from our local library. Yes, it was older and a handful of practices within it had since been improved upon within gardening communities, but more often than not, the lessons and strategies within were still sound. When I realized how many times I was borrowing it, I tracked down a copy and bought it. Continue reading “Remember The 2 Hour Garden book?”
Tag: The 2 Hour Garden
Garden Growth–10th May, 2019
Just enough rain to feel it was ok to not do much outside. Left the cold frames closed due to slow to warm temperatures. Although earlier the day was cool, long after dark it was still in the upper 50s°F. Continue reading “Garden Growth–10th May, 2019”
April 28th, 2019–Office Window View
Garden Growth–21st April, 2019
We did manage to get some work done between rains. I’m keenly aware how much still needs doing within a month’s time. Again, higher temperatures than predicted, broke into the low 60s F. Looking ahead on the local forecasts, very few nights will hit below low 40s if they prove true. Continue reading “Garden Growth–21st April, 2019”
Garden Growth–17th April, 2019
I tried to get as much in as I could today because there’s a lot of rain predicted in the next couple of days, and it was too windy to finish moving the compost yesterday. Cooler today, but definitely broke 60° F this afternoon. Continue reading “Garden Growth–17th April, 2019”
Speaking of the garden book I ordered…
It arrived today.

Rain, rain, fell two days…
…won’t be back for Sat-ur-day. (Don’t ask me why that childhood tune has been in my head, but it has been. My brain tweaked the lyric without my help, oddly.) Continue reading “Rain, rain, fell two days…”